Maybe some or most of us had fish as our first pets, placed in a small circular aquarium with just a bottle of fish food. Some common misconceptions about having them as pets are that they are known to be low-maintenance pets that are in no need of excessive care. But did you know fishes also require extensive care and constant proper maintenance, just like cats and dogs? To keep you more enlightened, keep on reading and let this article be your guide and acquire new tips from aquarium care, fish health care, and more!
It may seem like taking care of a fish is not that hard and challenging, but compared to other home pets, taking care of a fish is as challenging. From tank care to food and constant water change, you’ll definitely need all the tips you can get. So, here are three ways to ensure that your pet fish is living a happy and healthy life:
In fish feeding, many factors should be considered, including knowing what part of the water column your fish feed in. It may be one of the two:
Though some fish are more comfortable doing it, their way lies in waiting for the food to be in their “safe zone” or they want to take food wherever it’s available.
Signs of healthy fish
Signs of unhealthy fish
If any unhealthy signs are evident, it may be best to consult a specialist to fully ensure your pet’s health and avoid further damage. Although with this, browsing over online vets could be a great choice, too, try browsing through Vetster to be enlightened about the concern.
Fish have the same basic needs as other animals, but because they inhabit a very different environment than other living creatures, they depend on us to provide for their needs. This is especially true when the fish are kept in tanks, where they cannot obtain all the necessities they need to survive unless given to them directly.
Healthy aquarium, healthy fishes. Maintaining a healthy and thriving aquarium can be challenging, especially for beginners. Whether saltwater or freshwater, an aquarium needs an owner’s full attention and effort to keep the habitat healthy for the fishes.
Primary tasks of aquarium care include monitoring pH levels, water changes, and much more. To be enlightened by such tasks, here is a selective list of tips to closely consider:
There are different classifications of fishes that require a different level of pH balance. Freshwater fish typically survive well in aquariums with 6.6 and 6.8 pH levels. Saltwater fishes thrive well in pH levels 7.6 and 8.4. Given the accurate levels needed for an aquatic creature, it really depends on the size and species of fish you choose to take care of.
Having pets of any kind is a beautiful experience, whether big or small; these creatures are so pure, and even if we don’t realize it, they make everyone’s lives more exciting.