Unraveling the Mystery: What’s The Frequency Kenneth Explained


Have you e’er come across the set phrase ” What ‘s the frequency, Kenneth? ” and marvel what it mean or where it follow from? This kabbalistic interrogative, laden with a sensation of perplexity and intrigue, in reality throw a absorbing history behind it. In this clause, we will turn over into the source of this puzzling phrase, its ethnic significance, and the issue that extend to its iconic status in popular cultivation.

The R. E. M. Song

The idiomatic expression ” What ‘s the frequence, Kenneth? ” reach widespread realisation through the R. E. M. Song of the same name. unfreeze in 1994 as parting of their album demon , the Song was inspire by a outre and red incident postulate news show anchorperson Dan Rather in 1986. During the incident, two assailant attack rather on the street of New York City while repeatedly expect him, ” What ‘s the oftenness, Kenneth? ” The set phrase dumbfound with Rather, who by and by narrate the issue in audience, set off oddity and surmisal among the public.

The Dan Rather Incident

The incident that hand birth to the immediately – renowned idiom pass off on October 4, 1986, when Dan Rather, and then a noted news show anchorperson for CBS Evening News, was walk to his flat in Manhattan. Two military man come near him, and one of them necessitate to get it on, ” What ‘s the absolute frequency, Kenneth? ” They keep to outrage sooner, punch and kick back him while replicate the motion. Despite the flaky and wanton nature of the attack, the assaulter propose no explanation for their action mechanism.

ravel the secret

The inquiry ” What ‘s the oftenness, Kenneth? ” vex Rather and the world, turn a symbolisation of the incomprehensible and random nature of furiousness. The incident persist a secret for twelvemonth, with no clear motivation or conclude behind the attacker ‘ legal action. It was not until 1997 that the attacker, William Tager, cater some brainstorm into his mind-set during a psychiatrical evaluation. Tager, who was service clip for another offense, claim that he trust idiot box net were send signaling into his mastermind and that by find oneself the ” absolute frequency, ” he could draw a blank these signal.

Cultural Impact

The phrase ” What ‘s the absolute frequency, Kenneth? ” before long top its stock and turn a ethnic criterion, symbolise mental confusion, silliness, and the unknowable. R. E. M. ‘s birdsong far eternalise the musical phrase, embed it in the corporate awareness of music rooter around the macrocosm. The phantasmagorical and stalk lyric poem couple with the stria ‘s typical sound help oneself solidify the idiom ‘s office in pop acculturation history.


1. What does the musical phrase ” What ‘s the oftenness, Kenneth? ” intend?

The set phrase uprise from a 1986 incident where intelligence anchor Dan Rather was assail by assailant who repeatedly necessitate him this query. Its substance continue a subject of rendition, symbolize mix-up and inexplicable wildness.

2. Who were the assaulter in the Dan Rather incident?

The assaulter was William Tager, who think that television receiver mesh were channel signaling into his mentality and look for to break up them by incur the tough ” absolute frequency. “

3. How did R. E. M. comprise the phrase into their Sung dynasty?

R. E. M. employ the idiom ” What ‘s the relative frequency, Kenneth? ” as the form of address of a Song dynasty on their 1994 album behemoth , soak up intake from the outre Dan Rather incident.

4. What was the ethnical impingement of the idiom ” What ‘s the absolute frequency, Kenneth? “

The idiomatic expression get a ethnical symbolic representation of mix-up and closed book, vibrate with interview and determine a lasting office in democratic cultivation through R. E. M. ‘s Sung.

5. Did Dan Rather of all time get out the motivation behind the fire?

While William Tager ‘s explanation pour forth some brightness level on his military action, the motif behind the fire on Dan Rather continue largely unresolved, tot up to the whodunit skirt the incident.

In last, the phrase ” What ‘s the relative frequency, Kenneth? ” capsule a second of incomprehensible force that entrust an indelible St. Mark on democratic civilization. Its journeying from a puzzling inquiry in a random attack to a symbolization of surrealism and machination in medicine showcases the baron of storytelling and its power to top the boundary of time and distance.

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